Once Upon A Trinket

 I like to say that I rescue jewelry. I clean it, repair it, and hope it finds a new home. To me, jewelry is history, telling stories through the design and materials used. Jewelry is a reflection of life at a certain point in time. While looking through the jewelry, maybe you will find a piece that sparks a memory, or maybe give you a chuckle at the outrageous design. Some pieces are so elegant, detailed and timeless in their presentation. Other pieces can make you wonder what the designer was thinking at the time. Come and visit while you're in town. My hope is that Once Upon a Trinket becomes more than just "a little shop in Roscoe"...whether you find a little treat or gift, or you find something that recalls a fond memory, I want to thank you for stopping by!

Business Hours:

Thu:10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Fri:10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Sat:10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Sun:10:00 AM – 4:00 PM


41 Stewart Ave (entrance on Union St)
Roscoe, New York 12776


Mailing Address:

Po Box
Roscoe, NY 12776
United States


Jay Teks


Trout Town Inn